Election day – November 8, 2022

Public Service Announcement:

Go vote!!

And when you are voting please take more time to think things through. This is an important election and local offices matter. I ask you to keep a few thoughts in mind:

1) Those officials (or wanna be officials) that are spouting the words “freedom” are the same ones that are trying to take away freedoms from women around the country with reproductive rights. They are the same ones that are trying to take away freedoms from LGBTQ friends and family members.

2) They use the words “Christian Values”, “Family Values”, and “Traditional Family” but yet they have yet to define and stand behind exactly what those words mean to them.

3) They are using the courts, voter maps, and any other means possibly to eliminate one of our political parties, and in many case silence the freedom of some of our voters to cast their ballots.

4) Generations have paid into social security and medicare. One of the parties has been trying for years to privatize these systems. I am less than 10 years from retirement. I have no idea what the future holds because the politicians have their own retirement plans and don’t give an iota about Social Security and Medicare.

Is it fair for a first grader in a family where they have two moms or two dads to go into school while having their voices silenced because teachers are unable to acknowledge their family? Is it fair to leave the 3rd grader who has two dads feeling something is wrong with his family because his family can’t be celebrated or even discussed in the classrooms? Is it fair that there is a bill in congress that not only affects schools but forces these same anti-LGBTQ thoughts down EVERY program in the country that uses federal funds?

How’s that for freedom. How’s that for allowing parents to make free choices about what their children learn and hear?

Think about everything before you vote. This may be the most important election ever.

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