Day 15 – Arlington, TX to Daphne, LA

Today was a travel day. Got up and left Arlington, TX about 6am this morning. I wanted to avoid heavy traffic and I did. I chose to take the more Northern routing of I-20 and then cut down on some state roads to Mobile, AL and just have the last 20 miles on I-10. It was a good move, it saved me a ton of traffic headaches from the New Orleans area.

Day 15 – Arlington, TX

Got into the hotel around 2:30pm and was able to go for a nice afternoon run. Did I ever tell you that I hate hills. Who builds a bike trail with hills? I guess the city of Daphne, LA for one. Still did decent times.

On my run I passed the United States Sports Academy and saw some awesome statues in the front of their building. After I got back to my car I decided to go back to that parking lot and get some pictures. Sharing here.

And, with that I call it a night. Tomorrow is the rest of the drive home. Along the way I do need to stop and inspect a refrigerator for StrikeCheck. No major deal. But, my appointment board is no longer empty.

Hmm…. board no longer empty

Good Night, talk to you all tomorrow.

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